Schedule of the fees for Self-Payers

First Appointment

​An initial consultation fee is £250. If you have a face-to-face appointment and we do not have an ECG (electrocardiogram, electrical heart trace) available at the time, you will be able to have an ECG done at the Duchy Hospital for a £50 fee. Alternatively, we can ask your GP to do an ECG at your surgery and send it to us in few days.

Further Appointments/Tests

Following your first appointment, you will have two choices:

  • It is your right to decide that you would like to go back on the NHS and you may wish to have all needed tests on the NHS. All tests on the NHS are free of charge.
  • If you would like to continue to have tests and follow-up on private basis, the following fees will apply:

Ultrasound investigation of the heart (Echocardiogram) fee is £300. This test will be done at Duchy Hospital and they will charge you on the day of the test.

Cardiac monitoring (24-72 hour ECG) fee is £300. This test will be done at Duchy Hospital and they will charge you on the day of the test.

An exercise treadmill test fee is £300-£450, dependent on whether you require preliminary assessment or not. This test will be done at Duchy Hospital and they will charge you on the day of the test.

A follow-up consultation is £150.

Further Care

If after the non-invasive tests it appears that you will need further investigations, either invasive or non-invasive, we will provide you with more detailed information. Some of these tests (myocardial perfusion scan or tilt test) are only available on the NHS and are free of charge. 

Other tests or procedures (invasive coronary angiogram, implantable Loop recorder, pacemaker insertion) can be done on the NHS or privately. The Duchy Hospital provide private self-pay packages for these procedures and we will provide you with full details as required.

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