Cold Water Swimming/Immersion

Cold Water Swimming/Immersion

In the summer heat, cold water swimming is a refreshing treat! But did you know the benefits cold water swimming has – all year round? It’s become something of a trend and is highly spoken of by many celebrities. I’ve tried it myself, and from my own...


It’s something we all want and need. Small or big, kindness doesn’t go often go unappreciated. Be it a compliment, a helping hand, or a simple smile, it could brighten someone’s day. There are so many positive results of kindness, how it makes...
Stress Awareness

Stress Awareness

As it is Stress Awareness Month, I think it is essential to know the relief strategies for stress and potential causes to either eliminate these causes or adjust but also to know the symptoms of stress. It’s not just feeling run down, burnt out, or angry/frustrated,...