As men’s mental health week was just recently, it’s appropriate to write a blog with a few pointers on charities where any man can go for some mental health help. I wanted to share these charities’ aims, contact details, and what areas they specialise within. I feel like the stigma around men’s mental health needs to be changed. One in four people experience a mental health problem in their lifetime. 75% of all UK suicides are male. We are all human, and all need to be supported sometimes.

CALM (The Campaign Against Living Miserably)

CALM offers a free and confidential web chat, available through their website 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They will speak to anyone who feels they need help with absolutely anything. They are also there to support people who have lost someone to suicide.

Shout 85285

Shout runs a text service that runs 24/7. You can text the volunteers using these details: SHOUT to 85285. Someone will respond quickly and support you with sharing and talking through what you feel comfortable with sharing. They mainly help the following issues: Depression, Anxiety, Abuse, Panic attacks, Suicidal thoughts, Self-harm, Relationship problems, and Bullying.


Almost everyone has heard of ‘doing Movember,’ but Movember is a charity for men’s mental health and wellbeing. They share a help page for numbers/websites you can contact immediately for help. They also encourage men to get talking and advice on approaching someone who might have a mental health issue. They also provide information on men’s health issues such as prostate and testicular cancer. 

This website has a blog specifically aimed at men on their mental health issues. They show upcoming events, charities, advice, and ideas. It’s very informative if you wanted to read about mental health, things you can do to help or if you need help yourself.

Even if this helps one person speak up about how they might be feeling, it’s a massive step in the right direction. Speaking up is a courageous and positive thing to do. It is not a sign of weakness. Also, through all of these websites, anything said to any advisors is entirely confidential. These websites also offer ways to donate and raise money for them – and I think they are all completely worthy of that.