Did you know that World Mental Health Day was founded back in 1992? It is on the 10th of October every year, and each year has a theme; for example, this year was Mental Health in an Unequal World. It was started because a man named Richard Hunter fought for the rights and the acknowledgement of mental health issues. He fought for educating people about mental health issues and clearing the stigmatism around mental health. I still think that to this day, sadly, that stigmatism still has not completely dropped. Some people still hide their issues, are ashamed of their diagnosis, or choose not to recognise that they could have mental health and get the help they need.

Mental health should not just be recognised on only one day. Mental health should be recognised all year round. Employers should have education on how to help and support staff who suffer from mental health problems. Teachers should have training on how to help their pupils with mental health issues and point them in the right direction of help. Governments should appropriately fund mental health facilities and foundations to help people who do need support. People should know it is okay to say they are struggling and know they will be treated with respect and not made to feel embarrassed or ashamed at any point. It should be treated like any other problem or illness, with empathy, support, and care, and not dismissed.

I think we still have a long way to go in awareness of mental health. Understanding of mental health is still developing, treatment options are still broadening, and people are gradually becoming more accepting. Hopefully, one day, we will live in a world where mental health issues will not be overlooked and underfunded. Until then, we can only be considerate and understanding of those with mental health issues and support them the best we can; mental health support should be freely accessible. No one should suffer in silence.